Celebrate Baby Café Bakersfield Annual Fundraiser Dinner
Please join us for an evening of connection with the local community of breastfeeding advocates and clinicians as we Celebrate Baby Café Bakersfield! We are pleased to invite you to our annual fundraiser dinner to benefit Baby Café Bakersfield, which has been serving the breastfeeding families of Kern County for more than 10 years.
Your ticket purchase supports our work. Through Baby Café Bakersfield, thousands of new mothers and their babies have been provided the lactation assistance they needed to meet or exceed their own breastfeeding goals.
We offer in-person breastfeeding care weekly, as well as a virtual support group meeting each week. Our highly experienced IBCLC staff answers calls and texts 7 days a week from breastfeeding families.
All of the services we provide to families are free to them, and they do not need to show proof of health insurance or any other information in order to receive services. If they need help with breastfeeding, they get it. It's that simple.
When you support our work, that is exactly what you are funding: access to the breastfeeding care people need right when they need it.
We look forward to seeing you at the dinner and silent auction on October 4, 2024 at 5pm at Hodel's Country Dining in Northwest Bakersfield!